Thank you for putting out this three-part series. One can only imagine the time it took to come up with the multitudinous incidents in your life, to digest them yourself, and organize them into a coherent whole. The discussion of therapy was particularly poignant. In many ways this whole series has been, shall I say, therapeutic for you, at least as therapeutic for you as it is informational for the rest of us.

I have been listening to you for years, and never written, your gift for introspective thought, your agility in adjusting to the left turns that an interview always presents, your assembly of precise adjectives, and, yes, your political leanings have become second nature. The piece of the puzzle that you have brilliantly filled-in is the answer to the 为什么 (why) question. (I sense that there is even more that could contribute to the picture, but this is a wonderful start.)

With gratitude and respect, -- Dennis

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May 14Liked by Kaiser Y Kuo

Hi, Kaiser. It must have been 20 years since we met in Beijing for the first time. You were writing a profile for a "northern china cotton farmer" when we chatted in the office of my first employer, a commodities trading company.

I learned so much more about you and your mom & dad from this 3 episodes. Let's keep in touch.

Forrest Hu (from Singapore)

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